There are other fees that need to go to the agency but thankfully their fees are so much more doable from our budgets standpoint, so we are concentrating on the fee that will be crucial. The thought that we will be matched with a waiting child and then put them on hold because we lack the money to bring them home just about breaks our hearts in two. We have been working very hard on filling out grant applications but even now we wait. Some places only accept apps once every quarter and because of the great demand of adoptive families needing help, the funds are limited. So we wait, ugh, I'm starting to loathe that word for real. One thing I have learned is that God is working, I have to trust that He is, he adores the orphan and wants nothing more than His children to be His hands and feet and go to them and show His unending love for them. He WILL make a way. But, He wants us all to do our part.
Thank you for those of you who read our blog and follow our journey, it means so much, but what would mean so much more is your prayers for us,for the money and more importantly our little one/s in another country waiting, that they are getting the food and water they need and they can sleep at night. And pray for him/her or them to be able to start dreaming of a family because God is working to make that dream come true for them! Watch this video, maybe it will help you understand Gods heart and ours as well. Thank you.