Friday, July 15, 2011

Course Complete!

Nate and I both received our certificates for completing the Hague-certified Inter-country Adoption Course! 
We are both excited and relieved (we had NO idea the amount of reading that was required).  We are glad that we had to do this because we both learned a lot of helpful things and were given ideas on how to handle some potential problems along the way.  Now we prepare for the home study which should begin in about 2 weeks..........yikes!  We have been told that with the home study you don't need to make sure your home is in perfect shape.......HA!  Lets see if I can really be relaxed about that when the time comes! :) Anyway, that's all we have for an update, sorry it's been a couple of weeks, just not a whole lot to say!  Thanks for your prayers!

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