Monday, December 5, 2011

Back on Track. Sort of.

Nate and I have pretty much come to the conclusion that we are to adopt a waiting child.  We are, however, open to adopting from anywhere, not just Ethiopia.  We have inquired about several children already but doors have closed on some of them.  We found out that with Haitian adoptions the adoptive family cannot have more than two kids already living in the home.  Seriously?  Adoptions from Congo have a no children living in the home rule.  Frustrating, but thankful for some clear answers as we sift through ALL our options. We are now home study ready and approved.  We are ready to do this.  To find our child.  There is just one major thing holding us back.  Finances.  Yes, I have to go there.  It's a reality.  Our adoption cannot happen without money and lots of it.  There are kids waiting.  Paper work all set.  Their country's government approval already in place.  So many kids, kids that we want but can't do a dang thing about until the money is in place.  Waiting children adoptions can happen so quickly, faster than us waiting for a match, if the money is there.  I am asking for prayer.  Prayer for people to want to give.  For people to pray for provision, for us to find our child and have clear direction.  We have a way for you to donate right here on our blog.  You can also buy some delicious coffee.......every penny counts.  There is no such thing as a "too small" donation.  We will keep everyone updated.  At this point we could have a picture of our child to share at any moment.  It could take weeks, or months, maybe not for a year, we don't know.  So please pray!  We really appreciate everyone that has been following our blog and who has already been praying for us and for those of you who have given generously.  It means the world to us.

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